Who owns the city? A question to which graffiti sprayers and politicians give different answers. 1UP and Moses Taps are international stars of the scene, their actions spectacular, their artistic concepts radical. The art critic Larissa Kikol accompanied them on their nightly forays for three years and has processed her experiences in this book, which has become a unique homage to the graffiti scene. The book is a making-of of her works in the field of tension between civil disobedience, breaking the law and the freedom to do it anyway. Kikol travels across Germany and describes different worlds in gripping dialogs: the legal and illegal art world, between painting and protest. Always on the move and on the verge of being discovered and arrested. A journey behind the borders of permitted art in subway tunnels, on rooftops and sidings. The result is a portrait of Germany and Berlin and the power relations that affect our society.
- Author: Larissa Kikol
- Publisher: DCV
- Dimensions: 14.5 x 21.5 cm
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 328 Illustrations: 16
- Language: German
- ISBN: 978-3-96912-121-4
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